Razsvetljenje "industrije 4.0" trenutnemu industrijskemu razvoju Kitajske
"Hiter dvig stroškov dela povzroča kitajski industriji izgubo stroškov." Ta argument, ki je splošno sprejet, je pristranski z intelektualizacijo industrije
What is an optical part
What is an optical part? Optical parts, also known as optical components. The basic building block of an optical system. Most optical components function as imaging, such as lenses, prisms, mirrors, and so on.
The basic principle of ultra-precision machining technology
The numerical control grinding and polishing technology is an optical part manufacturing technology in which the surface of the workpiece is processed into a desired surface shape by a numerically-precision machine tool, and then polished by a flexible polishing mold to make the workpiece meet the technical requirements.
Current status and development of optical parts processing
Current status and development of optical parts processing, More and more precision instruments have been applied to the new technology combining opto-mechatronics, which has promoted the increasingly stringent requirements of multi-functional, high-performance and low-cost, and promoted the development of traditional optical parts production technology and the transformation of processing technology.
Ministrstvo za ekologijo in okolje: spodbuja se več predpisov o varstvu okolja
Beitao, direktor oddelka za zakone in standarde ministrstva za ekologijo in okolje, je na redni tiskovni konferenci 26. junija predstavil najnovejši razvoj zakonov in standardov s področja varstva okolja in okolja.
Dejavniki, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri izbiri metod obdelave površin za CNC obdelave delov
Način obdelave delov s CNC obdelavo je odvisen predvsem od tehničnih zahtev obdelave površine. Vendar je treba opozoriti, da te tehnične zahteve niso nujno zahteve, določene na zemljevidu rezervnih delov